Saturday, March 9, 2013

The House at the End of the Road

Thirty-some years ago I had a very vivid dream about a man with no face. It was Christmas time. I was wearing a long, red and green plaid skirt with a sweater. The man who stood next to me loved me very much, and I loved him. We were greeting guests who had come to our home for a Christmas open house. It was important to me that we not just have a party during the evening, but an open house throughout the afternoon and evening, so guests could come and go as they pleased, because the holiday season is such a busy time. We wanted to include everyone, friends and family and neighbors and colleagues from work. I don't know why this part was so important, but it was. Bayberry candles burned. Christmas music was playing. Our home was beautifully decorated. A delicious buffet of food was displayed. I was happy and warm. It was one of the most wonderful dreams I have ever had. When I was married, we had some glorious Christmases. Yet there were a few times when I looked at my husband at the time and thought, "You're not the man with no face."

Wednesday night I had a dream, and the man with no face appeared again. He loved me very much. I was happy and warm. We lived in a cottage-type house at the end of a circular road. In my dream, I thought of this home as the House at the End of the Road.

The next day, Thursday, I was channel surfing on the radio. Some people channel surf the TV. I do it to the radio. As I was searching for a different station, I heard the old Boys II Men song, "The End of the Road." I shared this story with my niece. That night, I worked the closing shift at work. It was late when I finished, and I looked at my phone and saw a message from my niece. She told me "The End of the Road" was on American Idol.

"The End of the Road" written by Kenneth Edmonds, Antonio Reid and Daryl Simmons.


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