Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Stress seems to be a part of everyday American life. In fact, it's almost like some view their stress as a status symbol. It's like all the cool kids are under a lot of stress. We all know that stress can be a killer, and I mean that literally, as our life styles affect our emotional, mental and physical health. High blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes are just some of the more commonly known illnesses that have stress as a contributor.

Dealing with it all means identifying the stressors, and eliminating those we can. And managing those stressors we cannot completely do away with.  I know a few couples, as you probably do, where both husband and wife have very demanding jobs. They see each other very little, and when they do both are exhausted and stressed and have very little to give to what should be the most important thing in life: their relationship. Yet they don't think of making changes, perhaps lowering their standard of living, to live a more peaceful life where they have time for each other. Sometimes we live a certain way for so long, that the idea of changing it doesn't cross our minds, and we just live with the stress. Or die with it.

One of the things that really stresses me, yet is so easy to eliminate, is clutter. It's probably because I am sensitive to my environment, but having every surface covered with stuff makes me crazy. I never understood this or identified this for years, but once I knew what was going on, what a difference it makes.

A clean, organized desk. A coffee table with room for an actual cup of coffee, or my two feet as I watch TV. A kitchen counter that has space on it to comfortably prepare a meal. Walls where you actually have wall space you can see amongst the art displayed. A bathroom counter where there is room for my hot rollers. My jewelry organized on my dresser top. This gives me peace.

Now what I call clutter may not seem like clutter to someone else, and that is okay. But it's nice that I know it is a stressor for me, because it is so easy to manage. What are your stressors? Is there some little thing in your world that you could eliminate or manage to make a big difference in your stress level?



  1. Susan, I'm with you. Clutter is a stressor. So is not having time on my own. It's a necessity for me.

  2. I like how you call it a necessity, Vesta. A need and not just a want.
