Friday, March 22, 2013

I Love My Knees

My left knee was a little sore. I couldn't remember doing anything to it, so I was somewhat puzzled. Then a couple of days later at work, one of my colleagues called my name as I was walking in the opposite direction. I stopped in my tracks, turned quickly, and felt a twinge in my knee. So that is it. It occurred to me that I do that a lot. We are chronically understaffed and super busy, and one of my largest concerns is keeping our customer queue short. So without even realizing what I was doing, I had been reacting that way. Stop. Turn. Rush over to take care of this or that, in an effort to keep things moving. Over and over, day after day, and my left knee was all, "Ouch!"

So I decided to take it a little slower, perhaps not take everything at work so seriously. Breathe more. When one of my team calls my name, she might have a customer requesting a markdown on an item. She could be asking me to approve her return. It is not life and death stuff, where I have to stop in my tracks and rush down to take care of things before someone bleeds to death. I mean, really, Susan.

I appreciate my knee bringing this to my attention. Aren't our bodies wonderful, wonder filled and amazing machines? My knee, through a small amount of pain, was warning me that I need to slow down a bit. I think that is so lovely. How can I not listen and then do the right thing?

I love my knees. They have been helping me get around now my entire life, and they ask so little of me while I demand so much of them. I rubbed a little soothing ointment on my knee, and for the next few days was conscious of being gentler. It feels almost all better now.

How about you? Do you listen to your body? And what is it telling you?


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