Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's Later Than You Think

Did you "spring forward" today? I love it when we turn the clocks ahead in the spring, because that means longer days of daylight, sunshine and happiness. My iphone springs forward on its own, but we have a radio/stereo/CD player in our kitchen with a clock on it. It is officially my roommate's, so I have never bothered to learn how to change the clock, thinking I could just pawn that job off on her.

This morning when I made coffee, I wrote a little note to put beside the clock. My roommate was still sleeping. She had not changed the clock the night before, so I drew a picture of an old-fashioned alarm clock, the kind you wind up, and wrote, "It's later than you think." I crack myself up sometimes.

Today is the youngest you and I will ever be. Do you live life with a sense of urgency? There is so much to do and so much to see in this wonderful world of ours. I have to wonder this morning if there are some ways in which I am dragging my feet in my own life, ways in which I  might be procrastinating. Because, you know what? It's later than you think.



  1. Susan: I often feel the same way. There is so much world to see. It's time to get on with it!
