Thursday, June 24, 2010

Switching Gears

Can you imagine life without chocolate chip cookies? (Shudder.) One of my favorite inventors is Ruth Wakefield. A young woman in her 20's, Ruth and her husband were the proprietors of the Toll House Inn. She was going to make one of her recipes, a chocolate cookie, when she discovered she was out of what was referred to then as baker's chocolate (unsweetened chocolate.) So she made some pretty basic cookie dough and broke up some semi-sweet chocolate that she had on hand and stirred the pieces in the dough. They didn't disperse as they baked; they melted but kept their shape. But even when the cookie cooled, the chocolate pieces remained soft. Ruth had just given the world the Toll House cookie.

When she saw that she was out of a key ingredient, she could have decided no chocolate cookies today. But Mrs. Wakefield thought outside the box, and when Plan A wasn't going to work, she switched to Plan B. She was famous for her desserts, so I imagine the original cookie was pretty delicious. But in my humble opinion, the best cookie hands down is the chocolate chip. So I am very glad Plan A didn't pan out.

The next time my original plan doesn't work, I am not going to close the kitchen in frustration and defeat. I will remember the late, great Ruth Graves Wakefield and come up with a Plan B.


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