Monday, June 28, 2010


I had two wonderful Labradors. Each lived to a ripe old age. We had birthday parties for them. A gift, special treats, and a cake. Just a simple family party at home, although I know some people who invite other dogs. My first Lab would recognize the "Happy Birthday to You" song anytime she heard it, and became very joyful.

When my younger son was in junior high, he had some friends coming over, and he told them that we were having a birthday party for our dog, so of course they joined in the fun. It was very sweet to see that each one brought a gift. Not something they had actually gone shopping for, but they looked for something around their houses that our Lab would like. There was a tennis ball and a frisbee, as I recall. The next morning when they went home, one of the boys said to me, "Thank you. That was really fun. I had never been to a dog's birthday party before."

Special occasions are cause for celebration. I have a friend who just celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary; she and her husband were honored by their daughter for an entire weekend of parties and fun. And the fact that these two people have been married for fifty years and just as in love as ever is definite cause for celebration. What an amazing accomplishment.

But what about the every day, the times that don't seem so extraordinary? Do you celebrate life on a regular basis? Just the fact that we are here is good reason to bake a cake and put up a few streamers. This life that we have is a precious gift. Let's celebrate it.


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