Friday, June 4, 2010

Hot Water

"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." Eleanor Roosevelt (With apologies to Mrs. Roosevelt, this obviously applies to men as well.)

I received a fun email from a friend. It was one of those "getting to know you" things...your favorite movie, your favorite ice cream flavor, etc. One of the questions was, "Are you a strong person?" I answered, "I am stronger than I ever knew."

While some would say that adversity builds character, I think it simply reveals who we really are. I happen to believe that everything we ever need in life is already inside of us, and it's up to us to tap into it. And that includes inner strength.

I have been thinking about the strong people, men and women, I have known throughout my life. While their personalities have been diverse, there is a common thread. An innate kindness and gentleness. A strong person doesn't need to bluster and bully others to prop themselves up. A calmness at the core; their feathers are not easily ruffled. An ability to control their emotions. Some of them have been very expressive people (one of them is a natural redhead), but they have discipline. You won't find them throwing temper tantrums. An ability to listen, without jumping in and seizing control. A strong person can take over when it's needed, but the real beauty of their strength is that they help you find yours.


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