Sunday, June 6, 2010

Peace Out (Girl Scout)

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like Dorothy of the ruby slippers, we run around trying to find our heart's desire, only to discover it had been there all along, right in our own backyard. I can't think of anything more precious than having peace of mind. People look for it in various places, in religion, in the self-help section of the book store. It can't be found there. It exists inside of us, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to enjoy it.

How can you tap into that peace you crave? Some folks suffer from anxiety, and that requires the advice of a therapist or doctor. There is help out there for that condition, and I applaud those folks who are brave enough to get that help.

I think you need to be at peace with yourself. That means accepting yourself for who you are, warts and all. Forgiving others, seeking forgiveness from them, and forgiving yourself. Understanding what is under your control, and what is beyond your power to change. Knowing that whatever life brings, you have what it takes to handle it. Living in the present without regret for the past or worry for the future. Ending (or at least managing) relationships with toxic people. All easier said than done, I know. But peace of mind is worth it. It is worth it to learn to change your thinking and change your attitudes so you can finally have peace.

To paraphrase the song, all I am saying is, give peace a chance.


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