Friday, March 18, 2011

The Pot of Gold

"It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." Paul Hewson, Dave Evans, Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen, Jr.

It is now the morning after St. Patrick's Day, a holiday where every American is at least a tiny bit Irish. I got an email at 4:00 yesterday afternoon from my professor, telling us that our class last night was cancelled. I wanted to shoot back a reply, "Green beer?" but I try not be too much of a smart aleck, particularly to someone who can influence my college career. I'd imagine there are some people who woke up this morning feeling like they had been mugged by a leprechaun.

Last night I heard a U2 cover band, which was very appropriate for St. Pat's. I had not heard the song, "Beautiful Day" for some time. It is a reminder and a warning. It's a beautiful day and we shouldn't let it get away.

I know the Irish have a reputation for being melancholy people, but they certainly do know how to party. This day, today, that we have is a beautiful day if we will but look around. I know life can at times be a serious business, filled with problems and responsibilities, but what a shame it would be if we let this day slip away without acknowledging it as the amazing gift it truly is.


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