Saturday, March 12, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

"Expect problems and eat them for breakfast." Alfred A. Montapert

It's funny how surprised we are when we run up against a problem. Shocked, hurt, offended and thoroughly discombobulated, we sigh heavily and wring our hands. Do we really believe life is supposed to run smoothly? We should anticipate potential problems and fully expect the unexpected ones.

I am a morning person. A sunrise is the best part of the day. It's quiet and cool and the birds sing. That morning cup of coffee is the best drink of the day. I am the best I will be all day.

So as an early bird, I love the idea of having problems for breakfast. Deal with them early and get them out of the way. Get a bowl, toss that problem in there, pour on the milk, and grab a spoon. Commence munching and crunching. Then get on with the day.


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