Thursday, March 17, 2011

Minor Distractions

"The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it." Emilie Zola

As you fulfill your destiny, there will be plenty of distractions along the way. A business associate reneges on a deal. A false friend betrays you. A vow is broken. Money owed you never materializes. Gossip is spread. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You become angry and hurt and indignant, and you are completely entitled to feel those emotions. And it's perfectly fine to set people straight; to stand up for yourself. To assess the situation to see if you did anything to help contribute toward it, so you won't make that same mistake again. But at some point you need to move on, to get past it as best you can and concentrate on what is really important. Someone wrongs you? Really, it's on them, not you. It's their problem. Their karma, if you will. You can go around giving these people a piece of your mind, but if you're anything like me, you need your entire brain to live the richest possible life you can. Why give those situations and those folks your valuable energy and time?

Right always wins out in the end any way. Always has. Always will. Truth is truth and nothing can ever change that. I've lived long enough now that I know that from personal experience. There have been a couple of instances where it literally took decades, but I was finally completely vindicated. And you know what? I had a fleeting thought of, "Oh, that's nice." But it meant little to me, because I had moved on with my life and what seemed so huge at the time just didn't matter anymore.


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