Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not Your Mother's Grandma

Being a grandma is pretty much the best thing ever. My older son married a lady who already had two little girls, so I became an instant grandma. Then my grandson was born, so I am very lucky to have three grandchildren.

A few weeks before the wedding, the girls and I were at a park near their home. Another girl came over to join in their play, and she looked at me and asked my older granddaughter, "Is that your mom?" and my granddaughter said, "No. That's my grandma." Her grandma. That was the first time anyone had ever called me that, and I was so happy I cried.

There was this one day I was looking at a rack of dresses in a department store, and they were very matronly. I thought with disdain, "Those are granny dresses." Then I remembered that I am a granny.

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in the rocking chair in our living room. My phone was on the coffee table to the right of me, and I reached over to get it and sort of went sideways. I didn't fall off, but if I would have, I would have been off my rocker. As in, "Grandma is off her rocker."

A few months ago, two women customers who looked a lot alike approached my cash register. The older one was holding a baby, and I was thinking, grandmother, daughter, baby. I smiled widely and said to the older woman, "Is this beautiful baby your grandchild?" Her face was a mixture of chagrin and shock. She replied, "This baby is my child." Wowzers.

I was privileged to introduce my grandchildren to the classic Christmas song, "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" by Randy Brooks. Believe it or not, they had never heard it before. I sing the chorus in my best country twang, which is only the way to truly do that song justice. They think it is pretty funny.

Women my age can expect to live longer than grandmas of previous generations. I think we tend to take better care of ourselves, think younger and remain active longer than those grandmas did. And for me, it's kind of like I'm getting my second wind in life. It's wonderful to have these little people to share in the fun. I feel very lucky that I became a grandmother at a relatively young age, so I can enjoy them for a long, long time.

I don't ponder my mortality or my death very often, but when I think about it, I must say this. Grandma got run over by a reindeer. What a way to go.


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