There is a history in my family of bipolar disorder (manic depression) and I am very thankful not to have it. I am a fairly calm and even-tempered person. I do pretty well going with the flow. When my younger son was a teenager, he called it being "chill."
I do have these times when I get bored and restless. I don't act out, but those who know me best know I'm a little out of sorts. It used to bother me because it seemed so random, so out of the blue. I wanted to fix it or figure it out. Or maybe figure it out so I could fix it.
Then I realized that when I felt this way, it was because something was brewing. There was a shift, a change, about to take place. And it's always something good, something I like. So now when I feel bored and restless, I still feel that way but there is also an excitement knowing that something, somewhere is about to happen for me.
Right now I don't feel that way. I feel calm and peaceful and chill. But I totally understand what my favorite writer Anais Nin meant about her hair.

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