Saturday, December 15, 2012

Do Something

I want to do something. The local radio station I listen to is having a Toys for Tots drive today, and it was suggested that was a way for those of us on the other coast to channel our grief for our brothers and sisters in Connecticut. Good idea.

I would like to jump on a plane today and fly to Connecticut. If I left now, I could be there by late this evening. I would like to just be with the families of those who died yesterday. I could find them (stalkerish, I know, but it's just a thought) and maybe make a pot of coffee or tea if they are tea drinkers. Take the dog for a walk or clean the kitty's litter box. Maybe they have dishes in the sink from yesterday. I could wash them. Maybe make a pot of soup or rub their feet or hold their hands.

I always want to do something, although I am sure there are people right here where I live that could use some help and I have failed to do that for them. Charity begins at home, you might say. I am reflecting. (Are you chuckling, thinking that I do a lot of that normally?) We are all in this together, in this country and in this world. What happens to them affects me, and the reverse is true. I want to do something.


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