Thursday, May 9, 2013


"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin

The winds of change are blowing in my life. I know it because of my restlessness, as I wrote about here.  I have no idea what change is about to take place, but I trust that when the time is right, I will know. I don't especially like waiting for it. I don't know if the magnitude of the change is in proportion to my level of unrest, or not. If it is, this change will be a doozy, because I am very much ill at ease right now.

Here I sit, typing on a querty keyboard; the same one I learned to type on back in tenth grade. We had manual typewriters, and when we moved up to electric...wowzers! That was big. I taught myself Word Perfect back in the 1980's. And tonight, I sit here typing and as soon as I hit "publish," my words will be out there for anyone, anywhere in the world to read. Instantly.

So I keep the basic keyboard skills I've had since I was fifteen, but I keep adapting to the technology and make it work for me. It's that way with any change; right? We already have all the tools we need, even if we feel ill-prepared. Change can be scary, but not as scary as standing still and watching life pass you by.

One of my dreams is to travel to the Galapagos Islands, the place where a 20-year-old Charles Darwin began to formulate his ideas about evolution. What an exciting adventure that will be for me someday.

And for now? Well. I am like one of Darwin's critters; willing to respond and adapt to change. I welcome it, and given how I feel, I know it's on its way. My hair is being pulled by the stars again.


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