Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Cup of Cheer

It's the time of year for hot apple cider, spicy sweet tea and peppermint mocha coffee. And hot chocolate. With whipped cream on top, of course. As far back as I can remember, another important part of Christmas has been the red kettles and bell ringers standing on street corners and in front of markets. Yesterday, we had some unusual weather where I live. It was gray and cold and raining very hard. Shoppers were rushing in and out of the stores, trying to avoid the weather. He was standing under an awning, but still it was cold and damp and the rain was coming down sort of sideways so he was getting a little wet. He was ringing the bell and smiling and saying, "Merry Christmas," even when no one put money in the kettle. Even when no one "Merry Christmased" him back.

My first thought was that I should get him a hot drink. I didn't act on it instantly, because I was cold and tired and eager to hop in Pink and get home. But soon I obeyed my initial impulse and walked over to the nearby coffee shop. I bought him a cup of hot chocolate. Everyone likes hot chocolate, right? With whipped cream on top, of course. I carried the cup to him and held it out. "Here's some hot chocolate. To keep you warm," I said. I didn't tell him there was whipped cream on it. I let that be a surprise. He looked at me for a few seconds, then took the cup and said, "Wow. Thank you." I said, "Merry Christmas" and hurried on my way.

I need to tell you this story, but not to toot my own horn. It was such a small thing for me to do. It cost me ten minutes out of my day and two dollars out of my pocket. I need to tell you this story, because of the expression on his face. He was shocked. The look on his face told me that strangers don't offer him cups of hot chocolate on a regular basis.

If such a small gesture causes such a reaction, then I need to be obeying my initial impulses of kindness much more often. And not just at Christmas. Kindness should not happen so rarely that it engenders such shock and awe.

Now I have a question for you. Who is it today that could use a cup of cheer from you?


1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOSH! I LOVE all these! So many GREAT one liners! Mildred and Ethel must be VERY proud! I love the one that just stands out so much for me ....to shake that gift one more time to make sure there are no "strings attached" !!! These 3 lil gems are very cleverly named and excellantly written! I would love to see you READ these in Public! Ha!
