Thursday, January 17, 2013


I wrote about being ill a few weeks ago. I said I had a cold, which is what I thought it was. But it was the flu, the same thing so many people throughout the country have had. I am happy to report that I am doing great and my energy level is back to normal.

My dear roommate/friend and I both had it, and when I said it was a cold, she said, "No. It's the flu. I will not allow you to minimize this horrible illness." She was right. And I will confess that I am a minimizer. It's one of my defense mechanisms and one I have been practicing for many years. I would guess it started when I was a child, when I began to tell myself things about my life.

It's okay. It's not that bad. It's not such a big deal. Other people have it just as bad, or worse. These are the stories we tell ourselves about reality, to make it less horrible and easier to get through. I suppose it had its place, because sometimes the horror of reality is more than we can bear. But I don't need to be minimizing anymore now; do I? So I am working on being more realistic about what is going on.

It was the flu. It was terrible. It was nasty. I was so sick. I had some sort of symptoms for ten days. I got lots of rest and lots of sleep. I drank lots of water. We made lots of soup that we called Medicine Soup from the Soup Doctor. We drank lots of juice. We took a really great homeopathic remedy I would highly recommend, called Oscillococcinum made by a company called Boiron. I know it was effective, because I would feel okay, then once it began to wear off, I would feel terrible again. Yes. I was very ill. It was not "just a cold." I had the flu. The worst flu to hit our nation in ten years. The worst.

So no more minimizing for this girl. I am going to tell it like it is. May I ask you to help me? If you read this blog and feel that I am being a minimizer, please call me out on it. Leave a comment or send me an email and point it out. I will be sure to thank you.

Even though we are healthy, today I made this homemade concoction that is supposed to be "Nature's Flu Shot," and we will be drinking it as sort of a booster.

Juice of 6 lemons
One garlic bulb (not just a clove; don't minimize the garlic) minced
3 cups pineapple juice
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

It tastes good, like a spicy pineapple juice. Stay healthy.


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