Monday, January 14, 2013

Back to School

It's my first day of school. I have online classes again this semester. I am really grateful to have that option, because it means I can work full time and go to school full time and juggle it all pretty well. It is also wonderful to have a good computer in my home to use, which I wrote about here. This morning I got up early, got my coffee and wanted to get a head start on the week.

All my classes were up online, but I became frustrated when some of the items the professors posted we needed to do were a little too difficult to find. I think that some professors are more comfortable with the website than others. In fact, some of the professors I have had for classroom instruction in the past refused to use the website at all. I don't really know why this all bothered me so much, because I know that sooner or later with some patience I'll become comfortable with the way each posts items. It is, after all, the first day of the first week of the semester.

I decided to take a break from it all, and took a shower. While I was in there, I cleaned the shower and tub to make it all sparkly. We have hard water, and there is some hard green stuff (mineral deposits) on the shower head. I remembered reading somewhere to put some white vinegar in a plastic bag, rubber band it to the showerhead and let it soak. So I did that and it worked beautifully. It made me so ridiculously happy.

I am off to school now.


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