Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Put Your Right Foot In

HOKEY POKEY ANONYMOUS - a place to turn yourself around (Facebook flair)

Twelve-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous have changed many lives. Life is serious business, and there are challenges that we face each day. How inspirational when someone recognizes he has a problem and takes steps to change it. Whether that is talking to a doctor when you're depressed, seeking therapy, becoming part of a program like AA, how great that we are seeing less stigma on addiction and mental health issues. As the shame lessens, hopefully more and more people will step out of the shadows and be helped.

Having some silly fun is therapeutic. There is scientific evidence that laughter is very good medicine. When was the last time you danced the Hokey Pokey? When was the last time you were just completely silly? Children do that naturally; I guess that's why the Hokey Pokey is thought of a kid's dance. How sad that as we grow up and grow old we lose touch with that kid inside us, that we plod through life in such a grim fashion. That we keep our guard up lest someone find us ridiculous. A sense of humor can be a very real defense from the slings and arrows of life. And blowing off some steam just having fun can really take the pressure off.

Finding the balance between the serious and the silly. That's what it's all about.


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