Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You're as Beautiful as You Feel

"O wad some power the giftie gie us, to see oursel's as others see us!" Robert Burns

Allow me to ask a question of my female readers. Does your mirror lie to you?

I am amazed at the number of very pretty women who don't feel that way about themselves. How can they be so clueless when it's so obvious to everyone else? Sigh.

Where does this come from? Popular culture with its impossible standards of beauty and skinniness? Airbrushed celebrities and models? The cosmetic industry with its obvious motivation to make sure you are never satisfied with your appearance? An inattentive or absent father when you were a little girl, a critical mother who never complimented you because she didn't want you to be vain? Were you the smart one, while your sister was the pretty one?

No matter the origin. Would you please do me and yourself a huge favor? Could you begin to see yourself as others see you?


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