Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meeting a Need

It is heartening to see the response of total strangers when a disaster hits. In 2007 my area of California was touched by wildfires. While I was one of the lucky ones whose home was spared, I saw firsthand the concern of people in the area and from far away to lend a hand. It is characteristic of humans that when we are made aware of a need, we do something about it, whether that is volunteering to pass out the coffee and donuts, or writing a check to the Red Cross.

But what about the needs we know nothing about? When I was a young woman, I was one evening invited to the home of an older woman who attended my church. She made the most delicious dinner. When I left, she loaded me down with enough food to last a week. Leftovers from the meal, cheese and crackers, fruit, cookies. I was overwhelmed. What she didn't know was that I had just paid an unexpected bill and had no money for food until my next pay day. Her kindness filled a very real and immediate need in my life. Is it any wonder why I still remember her more than thirty years later?


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