Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Day

It's Tax Day here in America. "I just hate to give the government money," I overheard a woman say to her friend last week.

Our government does not always spend our tax dollars in ways I approve of. I think our income tax system needs a major overhaul. During my lifetime, I have been all over the map economically speaking. There were years when I was married to my ex-husband, when I had a good paying job and he was doing well as a self-employed person, that we had a very competent accountant to help us find honest ways to keep our tax liability low. This year I did my taxes in early February. They are quite uncomplicated now. It took me all of about fifteen minutes, and I earned so little money that I had no federal or state liability. I paid into social security and medicare because everyone does that, but other than that I received all the money back that had been withheld. I even got a check for earned income credit. I paid no taxes. I didn't "give the government any money." This gives me no joy, believe me.

Isn't having to pay taxes a good thing, really? It means you have been prosperous enough to give something back. We complain about taxes here in America, when in reality compared to other developed countries, our tax rate is really, really low. We are all about capitalism and pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, and we take pride in telling ourselves how hard we worked to have everything we can get, and we aren't going to part with any of it willingly. I admire people who through hard work and determination, are able to amass some wealth honestly, people who never got a penny from hurting someone else. I think they should enjoy the fruits of their labor.

But really, isn't it sad that there are those of us unwilling to give back a little bit more so everyone in our country could have health care and a better shot at the American dream? Isn't it sad that when we talk about these issues, the term "socialist" is thrown around? There are many nations who are democratic in government but have social programs that make life a little easier for all citizens. Isn't it sad that America is so wealthy, while so many of her people are struggling, and some actually suffering.

I am not complaining about my own life at all. I am fortunate. I am blessed. I live in one of the most beautiful parts of our country. My home is warm and cozy and decorated beautifully. I attend a really great community college with some really wonderful professors. I feel lucky to have a job. I have a small cushion in my bank account. Pink is paid for. I have excellent health that allows me to keep up with 17 units at school and 25 hours a week at work. In a few years, I will be spending my days hanging out with those wonderful middle school kids, as I attempt to teach them something and they undoubtedly will be teaching me a lot of things. And I really, really look forward to the day that once again, I will be paying taxes.


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