Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The News

My friend's boyfriend crashed her computer by being on the Fox News website. Not really. He was on that website, and her computer just happened to die at that exact time. Her daughter and I had fun with him on that one. He's a nice guy, but pretty conservative.

I think it's important for all of us to keep up with what's going on in the world. How can we change the world when we don't even know what's happening? One of the many wonderful things about the internet is we can choose from different sources. I like the way The Guardian, a UK newspaper, reports on happenings here in the US. It's a unique perspective. Some news sources are more credible than others.

There is a lot of bad stuff and sad stuff out there, and sometimes it seems like that's all we read or see. A lot of journalism has been sensationalized, too. There is much of good in the world, and for every horrible story there are many great stories out there. Every day people like you and I, who in our own small way, make the world a happier place. Imagine the headlines:

"Well-known politician is faithful to his wife"
"Dedicated mother drives straight home from work each night"
"Patient father helps his reluctant daughter with homework"
"Great son puts all his dirty dishes in the dishwasher"
"Tired husband still makes time to rub his wife's feet"
"Honest employee treats business as if it was his own"
"Dedicated teacher treats special needs children with kindness"
"Divorced couple co-parent children with consistency and teamwork"
"Big sister reads to her younger siblings"


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