Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Not To Do: A Guide for Grandparents

You can call me Grandma Susie, if you want. Being a grandparent is the most fun ever. It's exciting! It's adventurous! Floridians Grandpa Tom and Grandma Belinda are the funnest grandparents ever. Still in their 40's, they have enough energy and enthusiasm to match that of their 7-year-old granddaughter. Imagine her joy as she sat in her Hot Wheels car, zipping along at speeds of 10 mph as they towed her with dog leashes hooked up to their SUV. Grandpa at the wheel, Grandma cheering her on from the back. Whee! They both admitted they just might have had a little too much to drink. The little girl was not hurt, but her daddy (Belinda's son) was not amused. The nice police officer took Grandma and Grandpa away for a while.

Just a few guidelines so we grandmas and grandpas don't find ourselves in such a pickle. Let's learn a lesson from Grandpa Tom and Grandma Belinda. We need to respect the way in which our children are raising our grandkids. Sure, they may seem a little strict and uptight, but let's get with the program and give them our support. If they limit sugar intake, please do not put Dr. Pepper in the sippy cup. No smoking around the grandkids, and make sure when you step outside to light up, you are watching them through a window at all times. A closed window. And smoke nothing but tobacco, please. I know you feel sorry for the teething baby, because he's in pain and frankly, so are you, listening to him scream. But no whiskey on his gums, and none for you either, until he goes home. Please watch your language around the grandchildren. Find suitable substitutes for your usual curse words. Some grandparents have expanded their vocabularies to include "crap," "fricken" and "son of a gun." And when your granddaughter asks you to pull her around in her little car, just grab the dog leash with your hand and skip down the sidewalk.


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