Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Up and Down

"Fall seven times and stand up eight." Japanese proverb

Good Morning. It's morning where I am anyway, as I write this. I had my coffee, strong and hot and delicious. My godchildren, an Australian shepherd and yellow Labrador who belong to my dear roommate/friend, gave me a beautiful mug for Mother's Day. It is blue, has flowers and butterflies and ladybugs on it, and it definitely makes the coffee taste even better. I had some cinnamon toast, so I'm all fueled up and ready to go take on another day. I brushed my teeth, so my breath is minty-fresh.

Yesterday in the late afternoon, I felt a little blue and discouraged, nothing bad, just the down in the everyday up-and-down of life. I didn't analyze how I felt (well, maybe just a little) and I didn't try to fix it (I did have some chocolate, but not too much) and I didn't give myself a pep talk (I started to, but I interrupted myself after a few words.) This is really good for me, to just feel an emotion, to allow it to come in one door and walk out the other. I find that it's okay to be down, because I know that I can always get back up again. I am thankful that my happiness is pretty much a consistent straight line, that the ups are not up really high, and the lows are not down really low. I have dodged a major bullet in life. There is a family history of bipolar disorder (manic depression) but I don't have it. I feel blessed, because I know it is a tough disease to deal with successfully. I am one lucky girl.

Today is a good day for me. I hope it is a good day for you, too. Thank you for reading what I write.


"Tubthumping" written by Duncan Bruce, Nigel Hunter, Alice Nutter, Louise Watts

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