Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pretzel Logic

"What's frustrating about being disliked is that it's invariably for the wrong reason." Robert Brault

I approach life assuming that people like me. I don't look for hidden agendas or conspiracy theories, and if I hear folks whispering, I don't think it's about me. If someone says or does something hurtful, I try not to take it personally. I figure if they have a problem with me, they will tell me about it. If I know I've done something wrong, I try to be quick to admit it and apologize. I work at not being defensive. I am a kind person at heart, and I attempt to be pleasant.I have an aversion to drama, so as much as I possibly can, I try to be at peace with everyone.

I know what it is to pretzel yourself into something you're not to conform to someone's image of what you should be. I lived that way for far too long. I don't do that anymore. A Facebook friend's status said, "I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not."

There are times in life when we need to take a stand. When we need to draw a line. When we need to tell someone something they don't want to hear. When we need to do the right thing, even if we are the only one attempting to do it. Let that be the reason folks dislike us. I love to eat pretzels (especially those big, hot, soft ones.) But I won't be one. Not anymore.


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