Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Day, My World

"Be careful how you interpret the world: it is like that." Erich Heller

It's early morning. Cool, but the day promises to be a scorcher. The birds are singing, and my neighborhood appears to still be asleep. That's as it should be. It's Saturday morning, after all.

Today I won't just have a good day; I will make it a good day. I will walk through this day knowing that just like me, other people are inherently good. I won't leave my purse sitting around, but my heart will be open and trusting. I will go to my job, knowing that all honest work is honorable. I will mean what I say and say what I mean, but I will frame my honesty with kindness. Perhaps the smile that I offer will be the only goodness that someone will experience today. Whatever happens, I can handle it with grace and humor. And if I need some help or support, I will ask for it. I will listen to some music and read something profound and laugh at least once today. I will spend some time quietly meditating on those people I love. If a sad thought crosses my mind today, I won't chase it away, but I won't dwell on it for too long. If things don't go my way today, I won't take it as some personal insult from the universe. Today is my day.


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