Friday, June 14, 2013


Today is Flag Day in the United States. I shall wear red, white and blue today. Are you thinking, "Of course you will"? I am not a flag waver kind of person. I don't think that we are the best nation in the world. Actually, I think one of our biggest problems is our arrogance; that we run around and say things like that. I think it's funny that many times the people who say we are the greatest country in the world do not even possess a passport and have never even been outside of our country. I wonder how they could possibly know that?

I am, however, a very loyal person. Is it because I was born in the Year of the Dog? It is part of who I am. So since I was born in America, I am loyal to her. Two of my uncles, and my older brother, and my older son, all served their country. I appreciate all of those men and women who have served, and I will also tell you that I think Edward Snowden is the bee's knees.

My life as a woman would have been quite different if I would have been born in some place like China, or Iran. But when I came to this planet, I landed in the United States of America. I love her, because she is mine. But I think I would also love China, or Iran, if she was mine. I love what is mine. I am loyal to what is mine.

She's a grand old flag.


"You're a Grand Old Flag" written by George M. Cohan

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