Sunday, May 9, 2010

Playing the Victim

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." Marcus Aurelius

I am all for making things happen. Instead of sitting around and whining, let's grab life by the lapels and change what we can. Trouble is, from time to time we all find ourselves in circumstances beyond our control. Life hands us something nasty that try as we might, we simply can't change. We must -- for the time being anyway -- live with it. One of the worst feelings is the resulting helplessness. The frustration can make you seethe with anger, or you feel victimized and simply give up, growing more depressed and despondent with each passing day. No matter the circumstance, no matter how impotent you may feel, you still have an amazing amount of power. Power to change your attitude, and to determine just how much you are going to allow this thing to impact your life. It's up to you. Why not take back your power?


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