Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hall of Fame

Since they are, according to American Kennel Club registration, the most popular dog breed in America, it's likely you have known a Labrador Retriever. They come in three colors, yellow, black and chocolate. They are used as hunting companions and service dogs, and they have such an intelligence and an affinity for humans. They are large dogs both in size and personality. It is very difficult to ignore a Lab, and who would want to? They are good natured, happy dogs who love tennis balls, swimming, and pretty much just want to be anywhere you are. Labbies enjoy being in the midst of it the center of the living room as you open Christmas presents, in the middle of the kitchen floor as you try to prepare dinner, in the middle of your bed if you let them. In my humble opinion, they are the best dogs in the world.

They aren't for everyone. They stay puppies for years after they are fully grown, 80 pound puppies (or more) to be exact, with tons of enthusiasm. They shed more than you would suspect, they are prone to skin allergies, ear problems and arthritis. They need lots of exercise, and could chew or dig out of boredom or the anxiety of not enough attention. If you like your house tidy and your life quiet, a Lab is maybe not for you.

Labs love life. They are good sports, are always up for the next adventure, and are patient with us humans. If you're like me, you need these Labbies to serve as role models in how to love unconditionally, live life fully, and die without fear when it's time.

Each day I try to be a better person, and any progress I make is in part to my Labbie Hall of Fame. Chocolate Lab Molly, and Jake and Peach, both yellows, are in my Hall of Fame. Forever immortalized in my heart. I was Molly and Jake's mom, and Peach's godmother. All three lived wonderful, long lives and I am proud to say that I treated all three of them with the kindness and love they so richly deserved. I don't mean to be arrogant; however, I am a great dog mother. But they gave me so much more than I ever gave them.

They were simply the best, and I was beyond blessed to have them in my life. Molly. Jake. Peach. My Labbie Hall of Fame.


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