Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Step by Step

"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's called your path." Joseph Campbell

She was second guessing herself, wondering aloud if her decision to move out of the area was the "right" thing to do; if her destination was the "right" place for her. A preacher's kid, she was raised in a rigid religion where things were either "right" or wrong. The path had been laid out even before her birth, and she was expected to walk it.

I guess there is comfort for some in walking someone else's path. It's already there, so you don't have to work hard or muster any creativity to make it happen. Point A to Point B, map included so you make no missteps. One foot in front of the other, you plod along, and if you happen to be miserable, you can console yourself that at least you're on the "right" path. If you mess up, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong; you were just following the map like a good girl. If you come to a complete halt, no problem because the path is still here. You have zero accountability.

Creating your own unique journey in life is something completely different. There is no "right" or wrong, because the path is whatever you make it to be. Your step is light, because you aren't carrying the heavy burden of other people's expectations. At times you might skip over there, explore around over here, and since there is no map it could be that you aren't even completely sure of your final destination. If you stop dead in your tracks, there is no path until you begin walking again and create it with each new step. You have 100% accountability.

Is there really a choice when you look at it that way? It's not a choice between "right" or wrong. It's a choice between misery and joy; and I don't know about you, but I'll take the latter every time.


1 comment:

  1. OMG OMG. Your step is light, because you aren't carrying the heavy burden of other people's expectations.

    You didn't do anything wrong; you were just following the map like a good girl. If you come to a complete halt, no problem because the path is still here. You have zero accountability.

    THis all speaks so well of how when we are little...we are given the road we must follow...and to break out of that is the biggest JOURNEY of all!!!!
