Monday, June 18, 2012

Broken Heart

"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see. But you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel." Johnny Depp

Last week I had my heart broken for the first time. All my life, I have heard that expression, a broken heart. But I never had one until the day someone I love very much told me of a problem and asked me to help. I said of course I would, and I went on to offer love and comfort and support. But inside I was shattered. Is there anything worse than watching someone you love suffer? I wished I could have traded places, to spare them this pain.

A broken heart hurts. Really, really, really bad. I didn't fight the pain. I didn't deny it. I just allowed it to be, to wash over me. I don't like pain. Usually I avoid it, but in this case it seemed, well not okay but certainly appropriate for the situation. Why use all that energy to fight it, I thought, why not let it be, and it might go away. And it did. In a few days, I felt much better, and now a week later, I am pretty much back to my old self.

And my heart? Well, it's like I went around picking up all the pieces, then I got some of that really great super glue and glued it all back together. It's as good as new. Maybe better.

So now my eyes are open to my loved one's situation, and my heart is open to everything that I can feel. If that's not living, then I don't know what is.

Life is beautiful. Even when it's not.


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