Thursday, January 5, 2012

Saying It

"You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say." Martin Luther

I'm not an overly chatty person. I am certainly less talkative than the average woman. I love quiet, and the adage "Silence is golden" resonates with me. I can go for hours without talking, especially if I am involved in a hobby or project. I rarely say something that I later regret. I can keep a confidence and never spill the beans. I both understand and live the idea that I am responsible for the words that come out of my mouth.

I am also responsible for my silences. Silence itself has its own energy. While I may be holding back because I don't want to be negative or hurtful, I'm really not fooling anyone. By my facial expressions, my body language, my energy, I am still communicating, and quite loudly. I think I need to just own it, to just say it. It is sometimes kinder and more honest to do that. I should have enough confidence in my ability to communicate to know that I can say something negative in a kind, tactful way.

Every day I encounter people who could use a word of encouragement or kindness from me, and I am responsible for all of those words I leave unsaid, too.


1 comment:

  1. Nice! I Love the last part. All the great kindnesses...acknowledgements...left UNSAID!
