Saturday, October 1, 2011


She calls the woman's voice in her car's GPS "Thelma," as in the great buddy movie, "Thelma and Louise." I love all the new technology to get from Point A to Point B, in our computers, smart phones and the car. I would think this would contribute to a lower overall divorce rate since it eliminates the highly stressful scenario where one spouse drives and the other one sits with a map on the lap navigating. There may be some drivers who argue with Thelma, but that is a different story.

Make a wrong turn or miss an exit, and Thelma says, "Recalculating." Then she tells you what to do next to get back on course, cautioning you to make only lawful u-turns. Getting from Point A to Point B is not always a straight line. You have human error, detours, weather, and don't tell her I said this, but sometimes Thelma is wrong.

Recalculating. Being successful and happy in life requires flexibility and the ability to recalculate your route when needed. You think you have it all nailed down, and an unexpected illness, job loss or natural disaster makes you go off course for a while. Then it's time to recalculate. The thing is, you need to just keep going, keep on moving and sooner or later you get to Point B. Just don't be so focused on the destination that you don't enjoy the scenery along the way. Getting there should be half the fun.

Happy trails to you, and may all your u-turns be lawful.


1 comment:

  1. "and may all your u turns be lawful!" Love it! " Getting from Point A to Point B is not always a straight line." so short and so power filled! Thank you!!!!
