Monday, April 4, 2011

Pot and Kettle

My college professors use power point presentations. They click on the computer and the information projects on a large screen that everyone can read. They can walk around the classroom, remote laser pointer in hand, referring to certain things and making the presenation move along. It breaks up the monotony of the lecture. We wouldn't be able to see the small information on the computer monitor at the front of the classroom, but since it is enlarged and magnified up there on the screen, we can all easily read it. It is the modern day version of the overhead projector the teachers used when I was a kid.

Projection. The psychologists tell us it is when we take one of our own undesirable traits and put it on someone else. My grandma would have said, "Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?!"

Part of becoming self-aware is catching ourselves when we do this. I am going to play a game with myself. I am going to be consciously aware the next time I see something distasteful in someone else, and ask myself the question. Is it really them? Or have I taken something I don't want to see in myself and projected it on them, enlarged and magnified?

Truth in all areas of my life. My own personal power point presentation, if you will. Would you like to play that game with me? We'll call it Pot and Kettle.


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