Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bridges Burned

"Never cut what you can untie." Joseph Joubert

I know a man who has burned pretty much every bridge he has crossed. He has an odd way of finding fault with folks, becoming offended at perceived slights, then finally concluding the other person has intentionally wronged him. Then he cuts the offender out of his life. Forever. He is an expert at holding grudges, and there are no second chances with him.

You might be tempted to give that annoying co-worker a piece of your mind today, but what if she becomes your supervisor tomorrow? Develop a reputation of being hard to get along with and that can follow you around throughout your career. We live in a small world filled with people who have long memories, and when they think of you, let it be something good that comes to mind.

As we sail through personal or romantic relationships, of course they won't all be static. But isn't it best for all concerned if we leave the least amount of damage in our wake?

We should be careful about burning a bridge. We might need it to still be standing if one day we have to cross back over it again.


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